Massage Prep content is not only great for preparing for your MBLEx test, but also can be used as training modules that can be implemented as part of your Educational Curriculum with over 3,500 Questions & Answers. Click here to download your student postcard.
Samples of training modules and exams are below:
Digestive System Study Guide Sample

Muscles of the Neck Review Guide Sample

Landmarks of the Leg and Foot Skeletal Tutorial Sample

Gastrocnemius Muscle Tutorial Sample

Circulatory System Practice Exams Sample

MBLEx Simulated Exam Sample

MBLEx Randomized Exam Sample

Massage Prep includes, but not limited to covering the following areas:
- Practice Exams: 42 exams, 1000+ questions, not timed, feedback on incorrect answers, return where you left off or return to the beginning, re-take as much as you like.
- Final Exams: 42 exams, 1000+ questions, not timed, results produced at end of exam, ability to review incorrect answers after last question, return where you left off or return to the beginning, re-take as much as you like.
- MBLEx Simulated Final Exams: 10 - 100-questions exams, timed (2 hrs), final results at end of exam, review incorrect answers, re-take as much as you like. Based on the MBLEx outline.
- MBLEx Simulated Randomized Exams: 20 - 100-questions exams, timed (2 hrs), final results at end of exam, review incorrect answers, re-take as much as you like. Based on the MBLEx outline.
- Massage Therapy Study Guides: 27 study guides, learn at your own pace, with audio voiceover, videos showing movements, over 75 downloadable files supporting content areas, images that depict parts of the body, Massage terms glossary
- Animated Muscle Tutorials: 134 tutorials that covers muscle name, description, Synergist(s), Antagonist(s), Orign(s), Insertion(s), and Actions plus short quiz.
- Muscle Reviews: 19 muscle reviews that include the muscle name, description, Synergist(s), Antagonist(s), Orign(s), Insertion(s), Nerve(s), and Actions plus short quiz.
- Animated Skeletal Tutorials: 7 tutorials that cover skeletal tutorials that includes the Landmarks, Inferior Views, Lateral Views, Medial Views, Posterior Views, Anterior Views return where you left off or return to the beginning, re-take as much as you like.
See how Massage Prep breaks down the massage therapy training material and MBLEx test prep packages.

Using Massage Prep
Massage Prep training material and exam prep questions & answers can be used on multiple technology (i.e PCs using Windows, MACs using iOS, iPads, and Tablets) & browser types. For the most effective use of Massage Prep material, you must use the following:

Practice Exams and Exams |
Benefits and Effects of Massage |
Massage and Pharmacology |
Bodywork History and Modalities |
Massage Ethics and Business Regulations |
Cells & Tissues |
Massage Manipulations & Techniques |
Circulatory Systems |
Muscle Anatomy |
Clinical Assessments |
Muscle Kinesiology |
Digestive System |
Muscle Physiology |
Draping & Hygiene |
Nervous System |
Eastern Medicine Modalities |
Pathology Signs and Symptoms |
Endocrine System |
Pathology, Indications & Contraindications |
General Law and Business Practices |
Reproductive System |
General Vocabulary & Body Landmarks |
Respiratory System |
Hydrotherapy |
Skeletal System |
Integumentary System |
Urinary System and Body Fluids |
Lymphatic & Immunity System |
Muscle Tutorials |
Abductor Digiti Minimi |
Internal Obliques |
Abductor Digiti Minimi Pedis |
Levator Scapulae |
Abductor Pollicis Brevis |
Latissimus Dorsi |
Abductor Pollicis Longus |
Longissimus |
Adductor Pollicis |
Longus Colli |
Adductor Brevis |
Longus Capitis |
Abductor Hallucis |
Middle Scalene |
Adductor Hallucis |
Lumbricals of the Hand |
Adductor Longus |
Masseter |
Adductor Magnus |
Multifidus |
Anconeus |
Occipitofrontalis |
Anterior Scalene |
Oblique Capitis Inferior |
Biceps Brachii |
Oblique Capitis Superior |
Biceps Femoris |
Opponens Pollicis |
Coracobrachialis |
Palmaris Longus |
Brachioradialis |
Palmar Interossei |
Brachialis |
Pectineus |
Deltoid |
Pectoralis Major |
Dorsal Interossei |
Platysma |
Dorsal Interossei Pedis |
Pectoralis Minor |
Diaphragm |
Posterior Scalene |
Digastric |
Pronator Quadratus |
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis |
Psoas Major |
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus |
Quadratus Lumborum |
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris |
Rectus Abdominus |
Extensor Digitorum |
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major |
Extensor Digitorum Brevis |
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor |
Extensor Pollicis Longus |
Rectus Femoris |
External Intercostals |
Rhomboid Major |
External Obliques |
Rhomboid Minor |
Extensor Pollicis Brevis |
Rotatores |
Flexor Digitorum Profondus |
Sartorius |
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis |
Semimembranosus |
Flexor Digitorum Longus |
Semitendinosus |
Flexor Carpi Radialis |
Semispinalis |
Flexor Pollicis Brevis |
Serratus Anterior |
Flexor Pollicis Longus |
Spinalis |
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris |
Splenius Capitis |
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis |
Splenius Cervicis |
Fibularis Peroneus Brevis |
Sternocleidomastoid |
Fibularis Peroneus Longus |
Subclavius |
Gluteus Maximus |
Supinator |
Gluteus Medius |
Tensor Fascia Latae |
Gluteus Minimus |
Temporalis |
Gracilis |
Transversus Abdominius |
Iliacus |
Trapezius |
Internal Intercostals |
Vastus Medlialis |
Vastus Lateralis |
Muscle Review |
Ankle Muscles (Dorsiflexors) |
Lateral Rotators of the Hip |
Ankle Muscles (Plantarflexors) |
Muscles of the Trunk
(Anterior Lumbar and Thoracis Muscles) |
Anterior Wrist Muscles (Flexors) |
Muscles of the Trunk
(Posterior Lumbar and Thoracic Muscles) |
Elbow Muscles |
Muscles of the Neck |
Elbow Movers of the Forearm |
Rotator Cuff Muscles |
Hip Abduction and Adduction |
Quadriceps Femoris Muscles |
Hip Extensors |
Posterior Wrist Muscles (Extensors) |
Hip Flexors |
Shoulder Muscles |
Knee Extensors |
Scapular Muscles |
Knee Flexors |
Massage Therapy Study Guides |
Adduction of the Hip |
Muscles of Mastication |
Circulatory System |
Muscles of Scapular Movement |
Endocrine System |
Muscles of the Head and Neck |
Erector Spinae |
Muscles of the Trunk |
Gluteals |
Muscular System |
Hamstrings |
Nervous System |
Hand washing and
Universal Infection Control |
Occupational Safety |
Hip Outward Rotation |
Pathology - VOCABULARY |
History of Massage |
Pes Anserinus |
Iliopsoas |
Pulmonary and Respiration Muscles |
Infection and Control |
Quadriceps Femonis |
Introduction to Basic First Aid |
Reproductive System |
Introduction to Blood-borne Pathogens |
Respiratory System |
Lymphatic System |
Scalenes and Sternocleidomastoid |
Massage Ethics |
Skeletal System and Joints |
Muscles of Ankle and Foot Movement |
Starting Your Own Business |
Muscles of Elbow Movement |
Suboccipitals |
Muscles of Forearm Wrist and Hand |
Transversopinalis |
Muscles of Hip and Knee Movement |
Urinary System |
Skeletal Tutorials |
Landmarks of the Pelvis and Femur |
Overview of the Skeletal System |
Landmarks of the Skull |
Landmarks of the Forearm and Hand |
Landmarks of the Shoulder and Arm |
Landmarks of the Spine and Thorax |
Landmarks of the Leg and Foot |